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Slow Flowers WORLDWIDE Summit

Thank you for a remarkable experience!

Who's Who (clockwise, from top left corner): Holly Heider Chapple, Kristen Griffith-VanderYacht, Pilar Zuniga, Hannah Morgan, Toni Reale, Becky Feasby, Natasa Hansen, Amy Stewart, Debra Prinzing, Kirsten McMahon, Briana Bosch, Eileen Tongson, Mara Tyler, Melissa Feveyear, Shanda Zelaya and Sarah Statham  
Who's Who (clockwise, from top left corner): Holly Heider Chapple, Kristen Griffith-VanderYacht, Pilar Zuniga, Hannah Morgan, Toni Reale, Becky Feasby, Natasa Hansen, Amy Stewart, Debra Prinzing, Kirsten McMahon, Briana Bosch, Eileen Tongson, Mara Tyler, Melissa Feveyear, Shanda Zelaya and Sarah Statham  

We're still basking in the positive glow from our wonderful Slow Flowers WORLDWIDE Summit as we were all "together" (virtually), along with 160 attendees from around the globe -- less than 3 weeks ago. It was a huge success and our speakers and attendees are a huge reason why!

THANK YOU to our Sponsors, Red Twig FarmsJohnny's Selected Seeds, and We are so grateful for your generous support!

This year's online Worldwide Summit was our first ever, as we invited attendees to join us from across the international Slow Flowers Movement. Inspired by the great success of the previous seven live, in-person conferences, Slow Flowers Society staged an expansive and inclusive Slow Flowers Summit for attendees across the globe! 

But don't take our word for it! Here are some of the accolades that attendees shared, both in response to the follow-up survey sent immediately following the Summit, and also in comments in our private Summit Group on IG. These accolades underscore the success of the WORLDWIDE Summit and inspire us to start planning for the 2026 virtual Summit:

The 2025 Worldwide Slow Flowers Summit was so perfectly timed, professionally run and full of takeaways and inspiration. The online format was fantastic for balancing the education and inspiration of the Summit with ongoing work and life responsibilities. After the Summit, I typed up my notes from the presenters and it came to five single-spaced pages.....I would say this was beyond a great return on investment! I made local connections and overall a sense of truly belonging to this wonderful Slow Flowers Society and its purpose-filled, passionate members. Thank you! The opportunity for engagement with Presenters and other participants ensured this Summit was super enriching for me as a participant. The flexibility to participate and watch live, and also to catch up on sessions at a more convenient time, was highly valued. I loved the variation of presenters and the coordinated Q&A. It’s fabulous to feel a sense of belonging to this amazing Slow Flower community. Can’t wait for 2026 line up!  While at first I was dubious about the online format, I loved it! I mostly watched live but liked that I could circle back or catch up with what I missed. Such a great range of sessions—not just floral design but a great farm tour, rose sustainability research, business options, drawing, shopping for flowers — it was fun to watch and learn! It came at a good time of year. So many new-to-me floral designers and flower farmers to add to my Instagram. The website format was really user-friendly. Congratulations on a fabulous Slow Flowers Summit! I would definitely attend again. What a wonderful way to spend some cold winter days, learning and connecting about flowers. The speakers were really amazing, and I feel so inspired to try to implement some of the ideas I learned about. The love for not only flowers, but for community, was evident through every session as well as through the chats, both on Zoom and on Instagram. The team made everything flow smoothly. An unforgettable experience for sure, and I hope to see many more online Summits for Slow Flowers in the future!

I am so glad I chose to sign up for the Slow Flowers Worldwide Summit. I was able to watch one day live and I am thoroughly enjoying taking some time and watching a presentation each day until I see them all. The content has been invaluable and full of thought-provoking ideas. I feel inspired both for my own business and for the Utah Cut Flower Farm Association that I serve with. The conference was also incredibly organized and easy to navigate. Well done!! This was excellent! It felt great to connect with the community and learn new things without the expense of travel (as nice as it is to be in person). The speakers were great; the format was perfect; the transitions were so smooth. I liked the pacing as well - not too little, not too much! A well thought out, seamless and fun Summit with some of the most inspiring international floral leaders presenting. So many ideas to follow up on. I love that I’m able to re-watch the presentations too! LOVE the format and concept of a virtual Worldwide Summit.  So much talent throughout the world. I am so pleased that all was recorded as it allows me to double back on missed sessions.  Thank you for this Herculean effort to host the Summit. The Summit exceeded my expectations. The speakers were all fantastic, in different ways. I enjoyed the bonus speakers at the end of the day, especially the Japanese flower farmer. Besides the Summit’s excellent content, it was how smoothly the tech side of things was run. However you magically got it posted into my calendar on my iPad with the link to the Zoom call, I found that the easiest, most straightforward way to log onto the Zoom call. Besides making it easy and reliable to log on, there was never a technical glitch with Debra and her guests. I will definitely be signing up for Summit 2026.


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